Rassendenken und Religion im Mittelalter: Über Ideen zur somatischen Reproduktion von Ähnlichkeit und Differenz. Wallstein Verlag (2023).
In this essay David Nirenberg combines the consideration of biologically influenced discrimination and persecution with religious discrimination against people.
Uncountable: A Philosophical History of Number and Humanity from Antiquity to the Present. University of Chicago Press, 2021.
Ranging from math to literature to philosophy, Uncountable explains how numbers triumphed as the basis of knowledge—and compromise our sense of humanity.
Chinese and Korean translations forthcoming.
Communities of Violence: Persecution of Minorities in the Middle Ages. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996; paperback edition, 1998; updated edition 2015.
Awarded John Nicholas Brown Prize, Medieval Academy of America, 2000; Herbert Baxter Adams Prize, American Historical Association, 1999; First Book Prize, the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Studies, 1998; Premio del Rey Prize, American Historical Association, 1997.
Spanish translation: Comunidades de Violencia: Persecución de minorías en la edad media. Peninsula Editorial, 2001; French translation: Violence et minorités au Moyen Age. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2001.
Anti-Judaism: The Western Tradition, W.W. Norton (2013).
Awarded Historikerpreis der Stadt Münster, 2017; Ralph Waldo Emerson Prize, Phi Beta Kappa, 2014.
Reviews >> The New York Review of Books, The Nation, The Washington Post, Tablet, The Jewish Daily Forward, Jewish Book World, Huffington Post, The Sunday Times of London, Irish Times, Commonweal Magazine, Marginalia, New Republic,Literary Review
Listen >> C-SPAN Book Discussion at the 2013 Chicago Tribune Printers Row Lit Fest in Chicago, Illinois.
Published in Great Britain as Anti-Judaism: The History of a Way of Thinking, Head of Zeus (2013, 2018).
German translation Anti-Judaismus. Eine andere Geschichte des westlichen Denkens, C.H. Beck/Gerda Henkel Stiftung (2015). Italian translation Antigiudaismo: la tradizione occidentale (Viella, 2016); Hungarian translation Antijudaizmus - A nyugati hagyomány (Pesti Kalligram pft., 2016).
University of Chicago Press (October 20, 2014)
Awarded Gordon J. Laing Prize, 2017
Shorter Books
"Wie jüdisch war das Spanien des Mittelalters? Die Perspektive der Literatur." Kleine Schriften des Arye Maimon-Instituts 7 (2005).
Jane Taylor and David Nirenberg, a Conversation (dOCUMENTA(13) Notebook #103, Kassel, 2012)
Edited Volumes
The Body of Christ in the Art of Europe and New Spain, 1150-1800 (with James Clifton and Linda Neagley), Prestel Verlag, Munich (1997).
Judaism and Christian Art: Aesthetic Anxieties from the Catacombs to Colonialism (with Herbert Kessler), University of Pennsylvania Press (2011).
Race and Blood in the Iberian World (Racism Analysis | Yearbook 3 - 2012) (with Max S. Hering Torres and María Elena Martínez), Lit Verlag, Berlin (2012).