Nirenberg in Conversation at the Madrid "Festival of Ideas"

Speaking with El País at the “Festival of Ideas” in Madrid, David Nirenberg shares his perspective on racism, hatred, and the demise of critical thinking, among other topics. Nirenberg is recognized for his books on the relationship between Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, and while at the festival, took part in the conversation “Communities of Violence. Blood and Milk” with Arabist Mercedes García-Arenal.

Read more at El País.

David Nirenberg Elected to American Philosophical Society

David Nirenberg has been elected to the American Philosophical Society (APS) as part of the 2024 class in the category of humanities. One of the oldest learned societies in the United States, APS is composed of top scholars in a wide variety of academic disciplines.

Read more at APS.

At the intersection of race and religion

Rassendenken und Religion im Mittelalter (German Edition, 2023) by David Nirenberg is reviewed by Frank Rexroth for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). In his essay, Nirenberg combines the consideration of biologically influenced discrimination and persecution with religious discrimination against people.

Read more at FAZ.

Keynote: “Religious Co-production and its Potentials for History and Theology”

David Nirenberg, with Katharina Heyden, Professor for History of Christianity and Interreligious Encounters University of Bern, presented the keynote, “Religious Co-production and its Potentials for History and Theology” during an interactive webinar that took place on January 18, 2024. The event, hosted by The Journal of Interreligious Studies and Co-Produced Religions, brought together experts from history, religion, and theology to examine a new history of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam as co-produced communities.

A video of the program is available here.